
This surname is a derivation from the ancient Norse (pre 7th Century) personal name 'Thor-biorn'. This originates from the Gods name 'Thor' as in the modern weekday 'Thursday', and 'Biorn', a word - 'the Warrior'. The Vikings and the Anglo - Saxons were very keen on these compounds, as were the eleventh century Norman's, who themselves were of Scandanavian origins, and jokingly known as 'The walking Vikings'. Given this all round international popularity accounts for the survival of the name into the later 'surname' period, when many 'Olde English' baptismal names were lost. The early name recordings include 'Thurbernus' and 'Turbern' found in the Domesday Book for 1086, whilst one of the first recognizable examples of the original name as a surname is that of William Thurbern, in the 1221 register of the Warwickshire Assize Court.Other examples include Richard Thurubern at Ely Abbey in 1277, Richard Thorburn in the 1279 Hundred Rolls of Oxford, and Walter Turban in Cambridge in 1295. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Rycharde Turbern, which was dated 1198, the Feet Of Fines roll of the county of Norfolk, during the reign of King Richard 1, known as 'The lionheart' 1189 - 1199. Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. In England this was known as Poll Tax. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.

Surnames reference. 2013.

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  • THURBER (J.) — THURBER JAMES (1894 1961) Né à Colombus, dans l’Ohio. Une longue série d’échecs a déterminé sa double activité d’écrivain et de dessinateur humoristique. James Thurber suit les cours de l’université d’Ohio de 1913 à 1918, sans parvenir à obtenir… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Thurber — [thʉr′bər] James (Grover) 1894 1961; U.S. writer, humorist, & cartoonist …   English World dictionary

  • Thurber — noun United States humorist and cartoonist who published collections of essays and stories (1894 1961) • Syn: ↑James Thurber, ↑James Grover Thurber • Instance Hypernyms: ↑humorist, ↑humourist, ↑cartoonist …   Useful english dictionary

  • Thurber, Texas — Thurber is a coal mining ghost town in Erath County, Texas, United States, located 75 miles west of Fort Worth. It currently has an overall population of about 5.Coal mining operations began in Thurber in 1886 and reached a peak around 1918 1920 …   Wikipedia

  • Thurber House — is a literary center for readers and writers located in Columbus, Ohio, in the historic former home of author, humorist, and New Yorker cartoonist James Thurber. Thurber House is dedicated to promoting the literary arts by presenting quality… …   Wikipedia

  • Thurber, James — ▪ American humorist in full  James Grover Thurber  born Dec. 8, 1894, Columbus, Ohio, U.S. died Nov. 2, 1961, New York, N.Y.  American writer and cartoonist, whose well known and highly acclaimed writings and drawings picture the urban man as one …   Universalium

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